Messiah (derived from the Hebrew word Mashiah) means "the anointed one". In the Greek, the term messiah roots of the Jewish understanding of a character in the future that will come as a representative of God to bring salvation to the people.While in Islam, there is the messianic concept in the Islamic understanding of God's representative is the Prophet who will come on the day of judgment to defeat Dajjal (Antichrist). THE SPIRITUAL KING The Indonesian Messiah is 'Satria Piningit means HIDDEN KSATRIA' called Khidr "The Green", Khidr is the Imam Mahdi, Lord of All Gods "Messiah of the Messiah" throughout Religion in the World in the World in the Age of VS Dajjal called Satria means KSATRIA HIDDEN as Kalki avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu as the god of Water VS Dajjal (Antichrist).
Satrio Piningit means "Hidden Knight/ Hidden Ksatria". He is a character of Jongko Joyobhoyo (Jayabaya Prophecies) in Javanese myths and he is a Javanese who would become a Great Leader of Nusantara and around the world from Java - Indonesia.
Joyoboyo term prediction equations with the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad * The emergence of Imam Mahdi preceded some marks as mentioned in the hadith:~ Al Mahdi will appear when many earthquake and many disputes, fighting and chaos. Al-Mahdi comes from my Ummah (Islamic / Muslim), which will be at reconciliation by ALLAH in one night. (Hadith. Ahmad and Ibn Majah). The Sufi Messiah: The Sufi Entering Khidr, the mysterious underground Teacher guide (cryptic nature / supernatural ) Islamic spiritual. 12th Imam Sufi version, according to the Sufis similar to al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar (Imam Mahdi) of the Sunnis.
"Hidden Knight" means Satrio Piningit which means he "Hidden Knight", Imam Mahdi means the Hidden Imam or leader Hidden (same with Satrio Piningit or Hidden Ksatria because Hidden Ksatria Satria is hidden Leader .... He is a character mentioned in the myth of Java and he is the person who will be the Java Great Leader archipelago and around the world of Java ... "and he will come from the east" .. meaning that he came from the east, (Indonesia is the Eastern Conference, the Imam Mahdi was named the Prophet Khidr. (Jongko Joyobhoyo - Jayabaya)
Al-Khidr "Green One" a man who has many names, among others:
The Green Man, spirit of the Greenwood, roves through the ages as Puck Robin, Robin Goodfellow, Robin Hood, Garland / Harvest King, Jack-in-the-Green, Herne, Bucca, Spanish Bosgou, German Woodwose, Sumerian Enkidu, Egyptian Osiris (The Great Green), moss-clad Tapio of Finland, Arcadian Pan, Dionysus, Roman Bacchus, Attis, or Rex Nemorensis. Welsh ancestors knew him as Atho, Ardhuu, Gruagagh, or Pwca (Puge in old Danish, Pukje in Norwegian), Thor, Mercury in Roman. God Hormux / God Hermes in Greece, Hidden Ksatria / Ksatria Nəbi in Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan).
Legends about Khidr
According to one of widely spread legends, Khidr served in the army of Alexander the Great and helped the great commander to find a spring of fresh water in the outskirts of Beshbarmag Mountain of Azerbaijan / Azərbaycan (according to the other version – it is in Middle Asia)
He is Tolkien’s Treebeard and The Knot Wisdom (Solomon’s Seal) of Morris Dancing. The Face in the Leaves peers from foliate heads or sprouting masks. The Koran honours Al-Khidir the Green One.
Further East he appears as Krishna or Rama / Vishnu, Vajrapani in Tibet, Sanat Kumara,Green Buddha in Asian, Peacock Angel in Syria and Iraq, Ancient Mayan, Aztec and Hopi Indian cultures celebrated him, eg. as Kokopelli (God of fertility and Music Makers), Wakan Tanka, Quetzalcoatl, "True White Brother" (Holy person / Saint)
End Times:
Prophesied time when present planetary civilization will end and new “golden age” will become reality. Many now believe that end of present millennium is so-called “end times”
The last of the Bodhisattvas is Maitreya (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu) who will descend on earth when the end of times is approaching, to lead all people to salvation.
KRISHNA The Hindu messiah Maitreya Buddhist (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu) mainstream messiah, while in Bali - Indonesia Krishna described have green skinned (in Arabic Green means Al-Khidr).
Khidr, Jhulelal, Khawja Khizr, Lal Sai, Uderolal, Varun Dev, Doolhalal, Zinda Pir
Name That Messiah!
~ "THE SPIRITUAL KING" The Indonesian Messiah: the twelfth century prophet named Khidr and are in Indonesia. Joyoboyo, predicts the coming of a great Spiritual King came after the occupation of the Netherlands and Japan, due to the political turmoil "Goro-Goro at the end of the dictatorship of Indonesia, Sukarno and Suharto.
~ The Sufi Messiah: Khidr, the mysterious spiritual guide Sufi version of Islam He is the twelfth Imam of the Shia and Sunni Muntazar
~ Islamic Messiah: (Sunni orthodox) Muntazar: Successor to the teachings of Muhammad (Islam) at the 'end of time' that will unite all the races of the world and He is Khidr.
~ The Christian Messiah: Here Khidr act as Saint George or warrior saints / or other holy Saint Theodore (Theodore of Amasea).
Henry Corbin writes: "Khidr is a ruler without a master, because it shows the truth to all the people who came
Abdullah Yusuf Ali as allegory St. Paul in his letter to the Hebrews say that Melchizedek was Khidr, parallel with Muslim views on Islamism, as one of the "Eternal Priest"; ie those who guide people through the ages of history. St. Paul say Khidr had "perfect wisdom, the wisdom of this world but not of the divine mystery, the secret" (1 Corinthians 2: 6). Khidr is the same secret wisdom of Solomon, which is initiated by God (Wisdom 8:43).
It should be noted that the fraction of Sufism Shia Imam Twelve identified Khidr with the Hidden Imam, one of which connects heaven and earth, intermediaries between man and the Almighty: the exact role of the Holy Spirit and the Logos, the role of the guard atavistik Peace and Justice.
~ The main Buddha Messiah: Maitreya (Here Khidr act as an avatar of Lord Vishnu as meitreya Buddha or Vajrapani or Green Tara, (Syamatara) which means it is Buddha Tara Green and White, (Sitatara) means Buddha White): the 'Unifying' World.
~ The Mahayana Buddhist Messiah (Here Khidr act as Vajrapani, Sanskrit, "Vajra in the hands of [her]") is one of the earliest-appearing Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. He was the protector and guide Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the power of Buddha): Amida: A great Bodhisattvas like Christ.
~ Japanese Messiah: Some sects of Buddhism and Shinto Japanese variant of Buddha Maitreya predicted (Here Khidr act as Fudo Myo-o Initially god Mahayana Budddist Acalanātha (अचलनाथ), whose name in Pali and then lowered Acala in Sanskrit means "move". + Natha '"protector, Acala put esoteric Buddhism (late 7th century, India) emerged after August 8, 1988 (8/8/88).
Shahristani said, the Prophet of the twelfth century, the Prophet Khidr is believed to be the same person with the Buddha and even green Buddha, various Muslim scholars expressed the same opinion. Al-Khidr is Teacher of Moses. teaching Buddhism is technically Islam, and teaching Judaism is technically Buddhism.
~ The Maori Messiah: More than a dozen cheiftains Maori in New Zealand from the nineteenth through the early twentieth century. Here Khidr act as Tāwhirimātea (or Tāwhiri) god of weather, including thunder and lightning, wind, cloud and storm or Tangaroa (god of water or the sea god) in Māori mythology,
~ Messiah nomads in Central Asia: The White Burkhan which means it is the White Buddha. He will come when the people of the steppes have left their ancient gods (Russian Communists are atheists). He will come to offer them and all human beings born again spiritually. Here Khidr act as Tara White, (Sitatara) which means it is also known as the White Buddha compassion, long life, healing and serenity.
~ Jewish Messiah: "The" (sic) the Messiah. Messenger of Yahweh, the god of the Jews, who would restore them to their status as the Chosen People. Know the time has come when Israel is restored and rebuilt the temple of Solomon (interest in rebuilding the temple is at an all time high during the 1990s). Here Al-Khiḍr is also commonly associated with Elijah, even equated with him or Jeremiah.
~ Messiah (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ; Mashiah, moshiah, MASHIACH, or Moshiach, "anointed [one]") is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe the priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with holy oil as described in Exodus 30: 22-25 / Prophet. For example, Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, though not Hebrew, referred to as "MASHIACH God" in the Bible.
Here Khidr act as Joshua (/ˈdʒɒʃuːə/) or Jehoshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Yĕhôshúa or Hebrew: יֵשׁוּעַ Yĕshúa; Aramaic: ܝܫܘܥ Isho; Greek: Ἰησοῦς)The English name Joshua is a rendering of the Hebrew language "Yehoshua", meaning "Yahweh is salvation", in Greek Joshua is called "Jesus son of Naue" (τοῦ Ναυή) to differentiate him from Jesus Christ.
In rabbinical literatureIn rabbinic Jewish literature Joshua is regarded as a faithful, humble, deserving, wise man. Among the early Church Fathers, Joshua is considered a type of Jesus Christ.
Although Joshua was regarded by some classical scholars as the prophetic successor to Moses, others see him as a pious man Al-Khadir is a pious manThe Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “(They went ahead until) they found a small boat which used to carry people from this side of the sea to the other side.
The crew recognized Al-Khidr and said, ‘The pious slave of Allah.’ The boat men said, ‘We will not board him with fare.’ Al-Khidr scuttled the boat and then plugged the hole with a piece of wood.” [Sahih Bukhari]According to Ann E. Killebrew, "Most scholars today accept that the majority of the conquest narratives in the book of Joshua are devoid of historical reality".The question of the degrees of conquest and/or assimilation may not be answered with certainty, as both sides cite a large body of archaeological and other evidence.
Khid'r and Elijah
Although Khidr is not mentioned in the Quran, Muslim exegetes identify him as the "servant of God" mentioned in Q 18:65. The story of Moses and Khidr is widespread in Muslim and Jewish stories of the medieval period.
Khidr is also associated with immortality and fertility. These are also attributes given to Elijah who is mentioned in the Quran. It is also reported that Elijah and Khidr meet every uear during the month of Ramadan in Jerusalem, that they perform the Pilgrimage together every year, and that they drink from Zamzam enough to keep them until the next year. It is also said that they meet in Arafat each year.
~ The Hindu Messiah: Kalki In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; which means 'Eternity,' 'White Horse', or 'Destroyer of Filth') is the latest incarnation of Vishnu in Mahayuga today, is predicted to appear at the end of Kali Yuga (Khidr avatar of Lord Vishnu as Krishna). Last incarnation will emerge from the east.
~ The Shiite Messiah: The Twelfth Imam: the end of the religious leaders of the Shiite sect of Islam. He (Khidr) did not die, but will reappear before the Day of Judgment to prove all the truths of the word of ALLAH found in the Qur'an.
~ The Zoroastrian Messiah : Saoshyant: As Zarathustra (Khidr as Sraosha or Sorūsh), he is scheduled to arrive in the twelfth millennium Zoroaster (AD 2000). Khidr as Pir e Sabz. In Sabz Persian term meaning 'green' and pear means' sacred '' Kheer green means associated with Zoroastrian water goddess Anahita, Khidr or "Varun" is one of the 101 names of Ahura Mazda, which means "Liberator of the crime".
Paul Williams claims that some Zoroastrian ideas like Saoshyant influenced the beliefs about Maitreya, such as "expectations of a heavenly helper, the need to opt for positive righteousness, the future millennium, and universal salvation".
Possible objections are that these characteristics are not unique to Zoroastrianism, nor are they necessarily characteristic of the belief in Maitreya.It is also possible that Maitreya Buddha originated with the Hindu Kalki, and that its similarities with the Iranian Mithra have to do with their common Indo-Iranian origin.
Skanda has several names, including Murukan, Karttikeya, Kumara and Subrahmaya, peacock angel (Khidr). Once one of the most siginificant deities in the Hindu panethenon of gods, he is now worshipped only in areas with Tamil influence, principally South India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
~ Eskimo Messiah: the prophets of the Arctic predict he became an olive-skinned man with a long beard and white hair who came from the East (Khidr known long white hair and beard).
~ The Aztec / Maya Messiah: The Return of Quetzalcoatl - an olive-skinned man with a white beard and red followers. Here Khidr act as Kokopelli (Quetzalcoatl, Kokopelli is Khidr)
~ Hopi Messiah: Pahana "true white brother" (Holy person / Saint) of the East will wear a red cap and gown and carrying two assistants hold sacred symbols: The swastika, the symbol of the cross and the power of the Sun, He will restore the Indian version of Dharma. Here Khidr act as "true white brother"
Some experts have noted the similarity of the myth of Quetzalcoatl legend Pahana by Hopis northern Arizona. Has been described by experts many similarities between the myths of the Aztecs and the people of the American Southwest, and put the same root. Hopi describe Pahana as "Lost White Brother," and they are expected to eventually her from the east where he will destroy the wicked and start a new era of peace and prosperity.
Emerging Signs / coming of the Son of Man, Pahana in Hopi Land;
"" The True White Brother (Holy person / Saint) "carrying swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sun sign (Sanat Kumara / Kalki / Saint George or Al-Khidr "the Green One"r).
~ Sioux Messiah: A man in a red robe who came from the East. Here Khidr acts as the Great Spirit / Holy Spirit, Wakan Tanka is Sanat Kumara, like Khidr
Sanat Kumara’s presence has been recognized in the Native American tradition as Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit. In the Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow also refers to Gitche Manito (manitou) the mighty, the creator of the nations, a paternal figure who looks upon his children with pity and compassion, urging them to stop their feuding.
The Hopi tradition describes the gathering of 144,000 "rainbow warriors" or “sundancers” who will unite the earth. At that time, people will have their choice to accept or reject the Creator's plan for peace on earth. This is prophetically seen as the return of Quetzacoatl (Khidr) who in the ancient Mayan tradition is also the God of the planet Venus.
Great Spirit and the central figure in cosmology number of indigenous tribes of North America, especially among the Lakota. Wakan Tanka is similar to the role of the male figure and the Judeo-Christian Jehovah (Jehova like jeremiah, like Elijah "Yahweh" / "YHWH", in jews Elijah is Khidr) often called Grandpa.
Wankan Tanka "The Great Spirit" of Sioux
One of the more typical manifestation of Wakan Tanka is Thunderbird:
Thunderbird (like Thor from Norway or Norse or Norwegian, Thor Like hermes from greece, Hermes like Khidr) is really Wakan Tanka as the giver of Revelation, symbolized by the lightning.
Al-Khidr for the Alawis or Alawite (Syria) - as well as for many other religions and sects - is one of God's righteous men; capable of performing miracles. According to the Alawi creed, he never dies and lives among mankind to spread Justice and Truth on earth until the end of time. He has extraordinary powers like controlling thunder and lightning. The popular portrayal of Al-Khidr as "the killer of the dragon with seven heads" finds parallels with similar characters in other faiths and creeds such as Al-Mahdi Al-Montazar (the hidden Imam) for the Shia'a in Iran and Saint George for Christians. This story is mostly derived from Mesopotamian myths of fertility and the circle of life, albeit with a dash of Islamic or Christian colouring.
Information taken from "Messiah" by John Hogue
This is a rare portrait of Zarathustra, Basic teachings of Zarathustra is monotheism, ie worship only one God, Ahura Mazda
Khidr or Varun is one of the 101 names of Ahura Mazda. In another form he is shown standing on palla fish or lotus flower, holding a staff with both hands to show leadership. Hindu legend Jhulelal or River God has early historical or semi-historical in Sindh, a province in Pakistan. Faced with persecution and forced conversion, Hindus turned to Lord Varuna, Varun, Lal Sai, Uderolal, Doolhalal, Zinda Pir, the Prophet Khidr. In Indian miniatures, Khidr trip over the big fish, showing the image of the first avatar of Vishnu, Matsya: Fish that saves people.
Since the earliest times in the form of water and light locals have cult he (Khidr) as the protector of the River Sindhu (Indus-Pakistan). believed to be the incarnation (the holy gods and avatar) of Vishnu-Krishna and is known by various names such as: Khwaja Khizr (God of Water), Darya Shah, Uderolal, Jhulelal / Dulah lal, Sindhi / Urdu: جهوللال, Sanskrit: झूलेलाल, Lal Sai, Varun dev, Doolhalal, Dariyalal, Amarlal and Zinda Pir (Jinda or alive) and others (Dawani 2002: 63-64), referring to the two intertwined legends pliers in Sindh / Sindhu / Indus-Pakistan Ishta dev (Allah society), in Pakistan who brought Hindu and Islamic traditions in the field of popular folklore, which Ramdev hagiographical accounts describe as a Rajput warrior (god-saint-Krishn and Vishnu avatar). In the Vedic religion, Varuna (/ vɜrʊnə, vɑːrə - /; Sanskrit: Baruna वरुण, Malay: Baruna), is the God of Water and sky sea, and the god of the Law of the underwater world.
Makara is a horse. In Hindu mythology, the god Varuna continued considered all forms of the element of water, especially the ocean. Varuna and Mitra are the gods of social affairs including the oath, and often twin Mitra-Varuna (compound dvandva). Varuna is also twinned with Indra in the Rigveda, as Indra-Varuna (when they work together in the new year in the rebuilding of order).
Vajrapani (the one of the earliest-appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the protector and guide of Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power)
Eventually the time will come for Maitreya (Khidr as Vajrapani the one of the earliest-appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the protector and guide of Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power) to appear as the fifth universal Buddha of this world age and turn the wheel of dharma for the benefit of all.
I (Khidr) made a name Tom Sam Cong and used by Tom Sam Cong as He name, in fictional / mythical version story of The legends of The Monkey King journey to the west that created by a fiction writer mythical version of Wu Cheng En. In the real story of the journey to the west, He have the original name of Xuan Zang (Hsuan Tsang) is not Tom Sam Cong (Tom Sam Cong role as a Buddhist monk in the story of the journey to the west)if you want to know Monkey King up the turtle to cross the river is Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Khidr) both are equally Avatar (Incarnation) of Vishnu same with Avatar Kurma, the tortoise, appeared in the Satya Yuga (Incarnation of Lord Vishnu). according to Hindu belief, Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Khidr) master the law of nature called Reta
Shahristani said, the Prophet of the twelfth century, the Prophet Khidr is believed to be the same person with the Buddha and even green Buddha, various Muslim scholars expressed the same opinion. Al-Khidr is Teacher of Moses. teaching Buddhism is technically Islam, and teaching Judaism is technically Buddhism.
Asian Green Man (Maitreya Buddha)
Al-Khidr "The Green" is Teacher of Moses. Teach Buddhism in technical Islam, and teach Judaism in technical Buddhism
Who is The Man from the East?
The Man from the East. According to the forecasters Nostradamus.
In the midst of the world's natural disasters and war, Nostradamus predicted that a great spiritual teacher, a man from the East, will be born who will be the scourge of religion obsolete and revelator of spiritual mysteries around the world. Quatrains dealing with "The long-awaited," The Wise Men of the East mentioned in C10 Q 75, is believed to be referring to the coming of Maitreya, the Buddha (Kalki Avatar), fifth verse 5 says: "He will come from Asia, at home in Europe, people are excluded from the "the Great Hermes." He will fly through the sky, rain and snow across and attack all innocent people with his stick [from Hermes, enlightenment]. (C10 Q 75, C2 Q29)
As has been said, Sufi initiation 'is one of the most important key to his genius. Hogue said that, so many sources for their extraordinary talent of the scholars of the Renaissance and the mystique that has never been revealed, such as Provencal prophet managed to keep their membership secret Sufi brotherhood. Although he was familiar with all the magic and the occult system of self-transformation to be known and the writings of Iamblichus, the alchemist Paracelsus and Cornelius Agrippa, Pythagorean and Kabbalistic Keys of Solomon, in the grip of a major source of Tantric seer and trance techniques underlying the prophetic vision during his meet the Sufi in his journey is in Sicily.
Island of Sicily has become the center of a powerful Islamic mystical activity since the thirteenth century, when the Crusaders Templar brought back to Saracens away from the wisdom gained in the East. By bringing together two opposite archetypes of the soul, the king and queen of the Lunar Solar (mind and heart), practitioners, so it is said, has led to the final destination, the birth of enlightenment '' DIVINE CHILD '.
"The fire of the sect will spread throughout the world ..." Then in the time of need the awaited one will come late. "(C5 Q96). Fontbrune has identified the rose with the symbol of socialism, the interpretation is quite valid; but the mystical relationship to roses is also the possibility contextual. As we shall see, in the terminology of the rose is a symbol of the Sufi Tantra and kundalini fire, spiritual love. Roses is important knight icon in the occult community Sufi inspired from the time, as it then was in Rosicrucianism.
Rose, lily and lotus is a traditional symbol of the chakra, and the Qadiri Order roses (ward in Arabic) is the epitome and symbol wird rhyming word, which refers to a method performed by the dervishes ecstatogenic members to open the heart chakra. 6 Symbols rose also has a sexual connotation, widely used in romance knight time, connecting with the energy of love from the heart awakened by initiation.
Rose into the current symbol with mystical warrior cult, a secret message from the initiation, dedication and metamorphosis information every aspect of medieval culture. He will appear in the UK with the red cross of St George, the Order of the Garter, the rose window of a cathedral in Europe and in the particular class or series of Masonic ritual. In the language of alchemy it represents the spiritual energy released during the fiery transmutation sorcerer's lab. Symbols roses can therefore be seen as almost synonymous with Sufism, Rosicrucianism as well. And referring to rose takes center stage of the world, and he probably will make a very significant statement about the new role of Sufism in modern times as a bearer of a special kind of mystical and esoteric spiritual awakening.
Not all researchers agree on this point, but Nostradamus mentions three negative influences (Dajjal) is expected before the millennium (C8 Q77) with men from the East, "the long-awaited" which will visit Western countries through the air. Men from the East (The Man from the East) that is AVATAR SIPIRITUAL.
He is the Avatar of Vishnu (Lord Vishnu)
Prophet Khidr is the Avatar of Vishnu
The quotation from the book forecasts work of Nostradamus
Biography of Nostradamus
Born on 14, or 21 December 1503in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Provence, France, where his claimed birthplace still exists, Michel de Nostredame was one of at least nine children of Reynière (or Renée) de Saint-Rémy and grain dealer and notary Jaume (or Jacques) de Nostredame. The latter's family had originally been Jewish, but Jaume's father, Guy Gassonet, had converted to Catholicism around 1455, taking the Christian name "Pierre" and the surname "Nostredame" (meaning Our Lady, the saint's day on which his conversion was solemnised). Michel's known siblings included Delphine, Jean I (c. 1507–77), Pierre, Hector, Louis, Bertrand, Jean II (born 1522) and Antoine (born 1523). Little else is known about his childhood, although there is a persistent tradition that he was educated by his maternal great-grandfather Jean de St. Rémy — a tradition which is somewhat undermined by the fact that the latter disappears from the historical record after 1504, when the child was only one year old.
Kalki (Kalki in Devanagari: कल्कि; which means 'Eternity,' 'White Horse', or 'Destroyer of Filth') avatar Vishnu and Messiah (Imam Mahdi)
Maitreya (pronounced my-TRAY-uh) is the personal name of the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Who is known to esotericists as the World Teacher. Esotericists believe that He is the One expected by the world’s major religions as the Christ, the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, and Maitreya Buddha (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu). Principal spokesman Benjamin Creme and affiliated groups believe that the World Teacher ever returned to the everyday world in July 1977 and lives as an apparently ordinary man in the Asian community of London. From there He emerges.
A figure called the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya, chief among the Masters of Wisdom, themselves a handful of “perfected men” who serve as guardians of a divine plan for Earth.
The return of the Masters, the return of the Maitreya, and the return of the Messiah, in which ever format, will then be welcomed by the Light workers who have been preparing the planet for the process.
Extracted from: Share International magazine on the Internet and Copyright 1996 The New York Times Company
Collins Pocket Dictionary – redeem
1. buy back
2. pay off (a loan or debt)
3 free from sin
4. reinstate (oneself) in someone’s good opinion
5. make up for
Actually the action of Redemption would seem to have greater significance should those wanting to be redeemed, actually do something towards “buying back, paying off, freeing from sin, reinstating themselves in someone’s good opinion and make up for” all the ill advised actions they have made. This would give the Redeemer a good idea that there was some repentance, or desire to change or a greater awakening of consciousness. Surely a much better way to greet a returning Messiah.
To read more please click .. The One
Satrio Piningit means "Hidden Knight/ Hidden Ksatria". He is a character of Jongko Joyobhoyo (Jayabaya Prophecies) in Javanese myths and he is a Javanese who would become a Great Leader of Nusantara and around the world from Java - Indonesia.
Joyoboyo term prediction equations with the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad * The emergence of Imam Mahdi preceded some marks as mentioned in the hadith:~ Al Mahdi will appear when many earthquake and many disputes, fighting and chaos. Al-Mahdi comes from my Ummah (Islamic / Muslim), which will be at reconciliation by ALLAH in one night. (Hadith. Ahmad and Ibn Majah). The Sufi Messiah: The Sufi Entering Khidr, the mysterious underground Teacher guide (cryptic nature / supernatural ) Islamic spiritual. 12th Imam Sufi version, according to the Sufis similar to al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar (Imam Mahdi) of the Sunnis.
"Hidden Knight" means Satrio Piningit which means he "Hidden Knight", Imam Mahdi means the Hidden Imam or leader Hidden (same with Satrio Piningit or Hidden Ksatria because Hidden Ksatria Satria is hidden Leader .... He is a character mentioned in the myth of Java and he is the person who will be the Java Great Leader archipelago and around the world of Java ... "and he will come from the east" .. meaning that he came from the east, (Indonesia is the Eastern Conference, the Imam Mahdi was named the Prophet Khidr. (Jongko Joyobhoyo - Jayabaya)
Al-Khidr "Green One" a man who has many names, among others:
The Green Man, spirit of the Greenwood, roves through the ages as Puck Robin, Robin Goodfellow, Robin Hood, Garland / Harvest King, Jack-in-the-Green, Herne, Bucca, Spanish Bosgou, German Woodwose, Sumerian Enkidu, Egyptian Osiris (The Great Green), moss-clad Tapio of Finland, Arcadian Pan, Dionysus, Roman Bacchus, Attis, or Rex Nemorensis. Welsh ancestors knew him as Atho, Ardhuu, Gruagagh, or Pwca (Puge in old Danish, Pukje in Norwegian), Thor, Mercury in Roman. God Hormux / God Hermes in Greece, Hidden Ksatria / Ksatria Nəbi in Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan).
Legends about Khidr
According to one of widely spread legends, Khidr served in the army of Alexander the Great and helped the great commander to find a spring of fresh water in the outskirts of Beshbarmag Mountain of Azerbaijan / Azərbaycan (according to the other version – it is in Middle Asia)
He is Tolkien’s Treebeard and The Knot Wisdom (Solomon’s Seal) of Morris Dancing. The Face in the Leaves peers from foliate heads or sprouting masks. The Koran honours Al-Khidir the Green One.
Further East he appears as Krishna or Rama / Vishnu, Vajrapani in Tibet, Sanat Kumara,Green Buddha in Asian, Peacock Angel in Syria and Iraq, Ancient Mayan, Aztec and Hopi Indian cultures celebrated him, eg. as Kokopelli (God of fertility and Music Makers), Wakan Tanka, Quetzalcoatl, "True White Brother" (Holy person / Saint)
End Times:
Prophesied time when present planetary civilization will end and new “golden age” will become reality. Many now believe that end of present millennium is so-called “end times”
The last of the Bodhisattvas is Maitreya (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu) who will descend on earth when the end of times is approaching, to lead all people to salvation.
KRISHNA The Hindu messiah Maitreya Buddhist (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu) mainstream messiah, while in Bali - Indonesia Krishna described have green skinned (in Arabic Green means Al-Khidr).
Khidr, Jhulelal, Khawja Khizr, Lal Sai, Uderolal, Varun Dev, Doolhalal, Zinda Pir
Name That Messiah!
~ "THE SPIRITUAL KING" The Indonesian Messiah: the twelfth century prophet named Khidr and are in Indonesia. Joyoboyo, predicts the coming of a great Spiritual King came after the occupation of the Netherlands and Japan, due to the political turmoil "Goro-Goro at the end of the dictatorship of Indonesia, Sukarno and Suharto.
~ The Sufi Messiah: Khidr, the mysterious spiritual guide Sufi version of Islam He is the twelfth Imam of the Shia and Sunni Muntazar
~ Islamic Messiah: (Sunni orthodox) Muntazar: Successor to the teachings of Muhammad (Islam) at the 'end of time' that will unite all the races of the world and He is Khidr.
~ The Christian Messiah: Here Khidr act as Saint George or warrior saints / or other holy Saint Theodore (Theodore of Amasea).
Henry Corbin writes: "Khidr is a ruler without a master, because it shows the truth to all the people who came
Abdullah Yusuf Ali as allegory St. Paul in his letter to the Hebrews say that Melchizedek was Khidr, parallel with Muslim views on Islamism, as one of the "Eternal Priest"; ie those who guide people through the ages of history. St. Paul say Khidr had "perfect wisdom, the wisdom of this world but not of the divine mystery, the secret" (1 Corinthians 2: 6). Khidr is the same secret wisdom of Solomon, which is initiated by God (Wisdom 8:43).
It should be noted that the fraction of Sufism Shia Imam Twelve identified Khidr with the Hidden Imam, one of which connects heaven and earth, intermediaries between man and the Almighty: the exact role of the Holy Spirit and the Logos, the role of the guard atavistik Peace and Justice.
~ The main Buddha Messiah: Maitreya (Here Khidr act as an avatar of Lord Vishnu as meitreya Buddha or Vajrapani or Green Tara, (Syamatara) which means it is Buddha Tara Green and White, (Sitatara) means Buddha White): the 'Unifying' World.
~ The Mahayana Buddhist Messiah (Here Khidr act as Vajrapani, Sanskrit, "Vajra in the hands of [her]") is one of the earliest-appearing Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. He was the protector and guide Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the power of Buddha): Amida: A great Bodhisattvas like Christ.
~ Japanese Messiah: Some sects of Buddhism and Shinto Japanese variant of Buddha Maitreya predicted (Here Khidr act as Fudo Myo-o Initially god Mahayana Budddist Acalanātha (अचलनाथ), whose name in Pali and then lowered Acala in Sanskrit means "move". + Natha '"protector, Acala put esoteric Buddhism (late 7th century, India) emerged after August 8, 1988 (8/8/88).
Shahristani said, the Prophet of the twelfth century, the Prophet Khidr is believed to be the same person with the Buddha and even green Buddha, various Muslim scholars expressed the same opinion. Al-Khidr is Teacher of Moses. teaching Buddhism is technically Islam, and teaching Judaism is technically Buddhism.
~ The Maori Messiah: More than a dozen cheiftains Maori in New Zealand from the nineteenth through the early twentieth century. Here Khidr act as Tāwhirimātea (or Tāwhiri) god of weather, including thunder and lightning, wind, cloud and storm or Tangaroa (god of water or the sea god) in Māori mythology,
~ Messiah nomads in Central Asia: The White Burkhan which means it is the White Buddha. He will come when the people of the steppes have left their ancient gods (Russian Communists are atheists). He will come to offer them and all human beings born again spiritually. Here Khidr act as Tara White, (Sitatara) which means it is also known as the White Buddha compassion, long life, healing and serenity.
~ Jewish Messiah: "The" (sic) the Messiah. Messenger of Yahweh, the god of the Jews, who would restore them to their status as the Chosen People. Know the time has come when Israel is restored and rebuilt the temple of Solomon (interest in rebuilding the temple is at an all time high during the 1990s). Here Al-Khiḍr is also commonly associated with Elijah, even equated with him or Jeremiah.
~ Messiah (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ; Mashiah, moshiah, MASHIACH, or Moshiach, "anointed [one]") is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe the priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with holy oil as described in Exodus 30: 22-25 / Prophet. For example, Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, though not Hebrew, referred to as "MASHIACH God" in the Bible.
Here Khidr act as Joshua (/ˈdʒɒʃuːə/) or Jehoshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Yĕhôshúa or Hebrew: יֵשׁוּעַ Yĕshúa; Aramaic: ܝܫܘܥ Isho; Greek: Ἰησοῦς)The English name Joshua is a rendering of the Hebrew language "Yehoshua", meaning "Yahweh is salvation", in Greek Joshua is called "Jesus son of Naue" (τοῦ Ναυή) to differentiate him from Jesus Christ.
In rabbinical literatureIn rabbinic Jewish literature Joshua is regarded as a faithful, humble, deserving, wise man. Among the early Church Fathers, Joshua is considered a type of Jesus Christ.
Although Joshua was regarded by some classical scholars as the prophetic successor to Moses, others see him as a pious man Al-Khadir is a pious manThe Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “(They went ahead until) they found a small boat which used to carry people from this side of the sea to the other side.
The crew recognized Al-Khidr and said, ‘The pious slave of Allah.’ The boat men said, ‘We will not board him with fare.’ Al-Khidr scuttled the boat and then plugged the hole with a piece of wood.” [Sahih Bukhari]According to Ann E. Killebrew, "Most scholars today accept that the majority of the conquest narratives in the book of Joshua are devoid of historical reality".The question of the degrees of conquest and/or assimilation may not be answered with certainty, as both sides cite a large body of archaeological and other evidence.
Khid'r and Elijah
Khidr is also associated with immortality and fertility. These are also attributes given to Elijah who is mentioned in the Quran. It is also reported that Elijah and Khidr meet every uear during the month of Ramadan in Jerusalem, that they perform the Pilgrimage together every year, and that they drink from Zamzam enough to keep them until the next year. It is also said that they meet in Arafat each year.
~ The Hindu Messiah: Kalki In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; which means 'Eternity,' 'White Horse', or 'Destroyer of Filth') is the latest incarnation of Vishnu in Mahayuga today, is predicted to appear at the end of Kali Yuga (Khidr avatar of Lord Vishnu as Krishna). Last incarnation will emerge from the east.
~ The Shiite Messiah: The Twelfth Imam: the end of the religious leaders of the Shiite sect of Islam. He (Khidr) did not die, but will reappear before the Day of Judgment to prove all the truths of the word of ALLAH found in the Qur'an.
~ The Zoroastrian Messiah : Saoshyant: As Zarathustra (Khidr as Sraosha or Sorūsh), he is scheduled to arrive in the twelfth millennium Zoroaster (AD 2000). Khidr as Pir e Sabz. In Sabz Persian term meaning 'green' and pear means' sacred '' Kheer green means associated with Zoroastrian water goddess Anahita, Khidr or "Varun" is one of the 101 names of Ahura Mazda, which means "Liberator of the crime".
Paul Williams claims that some Zoroastrian ideas like Saoshyant influenced the beliefs about Maitreya, such as "expectations of a heavenly helper, the need to opt for positive righteousness, the future millennium, and universal salvation".
Possible objections are that these characteristics are not unique to Zoroastrianism, nor are they necessarily characteristic of the belief in Maitreya.It is also possible that Maitreya Buddha originated with the Hindu Kalki, and that its similarities with the Iranian Mithra have to do with their common Indo-Iranian origin.
Skanda has several names, including Murukan, Karttikeya, Kumara and Subrahmaya, peacock angel (Khidr). Once one of the most siginificant deities in the Hindu panethenon of gods, he is now worshipped only in areas with Tamil influence, principally South India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
~ Eskimo Messiah: the prophets of the Arctic predict he became an olive-skinned man with a long beard and white hair who came from the East (Khidr known long white hair and beard).
~ The Aztec / Maya Messiah: The Return of Quetzalcoatl - an olive-skinned man with a white beard and red followers. Here Khidr act as Kokopelli (Quetzalcoatl, Kokopelli is Khidr)
~ Hopi Messiah: Pahana "true white brother" (Holy person / Saint) of the East will wear a red cap and gown and carrying two assistants hold sacred symbols: The swastika, the symbol of the cross and the power of the Sun, He will restore the Indian version of Dharma. Here Khidr act as "true white brother"
Some experts have noted the similarity of the myth of Quetzalcoatl legend Pahana by Hopis northern Arizona. Has been described by experts many similarities between the myths of the Aztecs and the people of the American Southwest, and put the same root. Hopi describe Pahana as "Lost White Brother," and they are expected to eventually her from the east where he will destroy the wicked and start a new era of peace and prosperity.
Emerging Signs / coming of the Son of Man, Pahana in Hopi Land;
"" The True White Brother (Holy person / Saint) "carrying swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sun sign (Sanat Kumara / Kalki / Saint George or Al-Khidr "the Green One"r).
~ Sioux Messiah: A man in a red robe who came from the East. Here Khidr acts as the Great Spirit / Holy Spirit, Wakan Tanka is Sanat Kumara, like Khidr
Sanat Kumara’s presence has been recognized in the Native American tradition as Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit. In the Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow also refers to Gitche Manito (manitou) the mighty, the creator of the nations, a paternal figure who looks upon his children with pity and compassion, urging them to stop their feuding.
The Hopi tradition describes the gathering of 144,000 "rainbow warriors" or “sundancers” who will unite the earth. At that time, people will have their choice to accept or reject the Creator's plan for peace on earth. This is prophetically seen as the return of Quetzacoatl (Khidr) who in the ancient Mayan tradition is also the God of the planet Venus.
Great Spirit and the central figure in cosmology number of indigenous tribes of North America, especially among the Lakota. Wakan Tanka is similar to the role of the male figure and the Judeo-Christian Jehovah (Jehova like jeremiah, like Elijah "Yahweh" / "YHWH", in jews Elijah is Khidr) often called Grandpa.
Wankan Tanka "The Great Spirit" of Sioux
One of the more typical manifestation of Wakan Tanka is Thunderbird:
Thunderbird (like Thor from Norway or Norse or Norwegian, Thor Like hermes from greece, Hermes like Khidr) is really Wakan Tanka as the giver of Revelation, symbolized by the lightning.
Al-Khidr for the Alawis or Alawite (Syria) - as well as for many other religions and sects - is one of God's righteous men; capable of performing miracles. According to the Alawi creed, he never dies and lives among mankind to spread Justice and Truth on earth until the end of time. He has extraordinary powers like controlling thunder and lightning. The popular portrayal of Al-Khidr as "the killer of the dragon with seven heads" finds parallels with similar characters in other faiths and creeds such as Al-Mahdi Al-Montazar (the hidden Imam) for the Shia'a in Iran and Saint George for Christians. This story is mostly derived from Mesopotamian myths of fertility and the circle of life, albeit with a dash of Islamic or Christian colouring.
Information taken from "Messiah" by John Hogue
This is a rare portrait of Zarathustra, Basic teachings of Zarathustra is monotheism, ie worship only one God, Ahura Mazda
Khidr or Varun is one of the 101 names of Ahura Mazda. In another form he is shown standing on palla fish or lotus flower, holding a staff with both hands to show leadership. Hindu legend Jhulelal or River God has early historical or semi-historical in Sindh, a province in Pakistan. Faced with persecution and forced conversion, Hindus turned to Lord Varuna, Varun, Lal Sai, Uderolal, Doolhalal, Zinda Pir, the Prophet Khidr. In Indian miniatures, Khidr trip over the big fish, showing the image of the first avatar of Vishnu, Matsya: Fish that saves people.
Since the earliest times in the form of water and light locals have cult he (Khidr) as the protector of the River Sindhu (Indus-Pakistan). believed to be the incarnation (the holy gods and avatar) of Vishnu-Krishna and is known by various names such as: Khwaja Khizr (God of Water), Darya Shah, Uderolal, Jhulelal / Dulah lal, Sindhi / Urdu: جهوللال, Sanskrit: झूलेलाल, Lal Sai, Varun dev, Doolhalal, Dariyalal, Amarlal and Zinda Pir (Jinda or alive) and others (Dawani 2002: 63-64), referring to the two intertwined legends pliers in Sindh / Sindhu / Indus-Pakistan Ishta dev (Allah society), in Pakistan who brought Hindu and Islamic traditions in the field of popular folklore, which Ramdev hagiographical accounts describe as a Rajput warrior (god-saint-Krishn and Vishnu avatar). In the Vedic religion, Varuna (/ vɜrʊnə, vɑːrə - /; Sanskrit: Baruna वरुण, Malay: Baruna), is the God of Water and sky sea, and the god of the Law of the underwater world.
Makara is a horse. In Hindu mythology, the god Varuna continued considered all forms of the element of water, especially the ocean. Varuna and Mitra are the gods of social affairs including the oath, and often twin Mitra-Varuna (compound dvandva). Varuna is also twinned with Indra in the Rigveda, as Indra-Varuna (when they work together in the new year in the rebuilding of order).
Vajrapani (the one of the earliest-appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the protector and guide of Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power)
Eventually the time will come for Maitreya (Khidr as Vajrapani the one of the earliest-appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the protector and guide of Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power) to appear as the fifth universal Buddha of this world age and turn the wheel of dharma for the benefit of all.
I (Khidr) made a name Tom Sam Cong and used by Tom Sam Cong as He name, in fictional / mythical version story of The legends of The Monkey King journey to the west that created by a fiction writer mythical version of Wu Cheng En. In the real story of the journey to the west, He have the original name of Xuan Zang (Hsuan Tsang) is not Tom Sam Cong (Tom Sam Cong role as a Buddhist monk in the story of the journey to the west)if you want to know Monkey King up the turtle to cross the river is Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Khidr) both are equally Avatar (Incarnation) of Vishnu same with Avatar Kurma, the tortoise, appeared in the Satya Yuga (Incarnation of Lord Vishnu). according to Hindu belief, Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Khidr) master the law of nature called Reta
Shahristani said, the Prophet of the twelfth century, the Prophet Khidr is believed to be the same person with the Buddha and even green Buddha, various Muslim scholars expressed the same opinion. Al-Khidr is Teacher of Moses. teaching Buddhism is technically Islam, and teaching Judaism is technically Buddhism.
Asian Green Man (Maitreya Buddha)
Al-Khidr "The Green" is Teacher of Moses. Teach Buddhism in technical Islam, and teach Judaism in technical Buddhism
Who is The Man from the East?
The Man from the East. According to the forecasters Nostradamus.
In the midst of the world's natural disasters and war, Nostradamus predicted that a great spiritual teacher, a man from the East, will be born who will be the scourge of religion obsolete and revelator of spiritual mysteries around the world. Quatrains dealing with "The long-awaited," The Wise Men of the East mentioned in C10 Q 75, is believed to be referring to the coming of Maitreya, the Buddha (Kalki Avatar), fifth verse 5 says: "He will come from Asia, at home in Europe, people are excluded from the "the Great Hermes." He will fly through the sky, rain and snow across and attack all innocent people with his stick [from Hermes, enlightenment]. (C10 Q 75, C2 Q29)
As has been said, Sufi initiation 'is one of the most important key to his genius. Hogue said that, so many sources for their extraordinary talent of the scholars of the Renaissance and the mystique that has never been revealed, such as Provencal prophet managed to keep their membership secret Sufi brotherhood. Although he was familiar with all the magic and the occult system of self-transformation to be known and the writings of Iamblichus, the alchemist Paracelsus and Cornelius Agrippa, Pythagorean and Kabbalistic Keys of Solomon, in the grip of a major source of Tantric seer and trance techniques underlying the prophetic vision during his meet the Sufi in his journey is in Sicily.
Island of Sicily has become the center of a powerful Islamic mystical activity since the thirteenth century, when the Crusaders Templar brought back to Saracens away from the wisdom gained in the East. By bringing together two opposite archetypes of the soul, the king and queen of the Lunar Solar (mind and heart), practitioners, so it is said, has led to the final destination, the birth of enlightenment '' DIVINE CHILD '.
"The fire of the sect will spread throughout the world ..." Then in the time of need the awaited one will come late. "(C5 Q96). Fontbrune has identified the rose with the symbol of socialism, the interpretation is quite valid; but the mystical relationship to roses is also the possibility contextual. As we shall see, in the terminology of the rose is a symbol of the Sufi Tantra and kundalini fire, spiritual love. Roses is important knight icon in the occult community Sufi inspired from the time, as it then was in Rosicrucianism.
Rose, lily and lotus is a traditional symbol of the chakra, and the Qadiri Order roses (ward in Arabic) is the epitome and symbol wird rhyming word, which refers to a method performed by the dervishes ecstatogenic members to open the heart chakra. 6 Symbols rose also has a sexual connotation, widely used in romance knight time, connecting with the energy of love from the heart awakened by initiation.
Rose into the current symbol with mystical warrior cult, a secret message from the initiation, dedication and metamorphosis information every aspect of medieval culture. He will appear in the UK with the red cross of St George, the Order of the Garter, the rose window of a cathedral in Europe and in the particular class or series of Masonic ritual. In the language of alchemy it represents the spiritual energy released during the fiery transmutation sorcerer's lab. Symbols roses can therefore be seen as almost synonymous with Sufism, Rosicrucianism as well. And referring to rose takes center stage of the world, and he probably will make a very significant statement about the new role of Sufism in modern times as a bearer of a special kind of mystical and esoteric spiritual awakening.
Not all researchers agree on this point, but Nostradamus mentions three negative influences (Dajjal) is expected before the millennium (C8 Q77) with men from the East, "the long-awaited" which will visit Western countries through the air. Men from the East (The Man from the East) that is AVATAR SIPIRITUAL.
He is the Avatar of Vishnu (Lord Vishnu)
Prophet Khidr is the Avatar of Vishnu
The quotation from the book forecasts work of Nostradamus
Biography of Nostradamus
Born on 14, or 21 December 1503in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Provence, France, where his claimed birthplace still exists, Michel de Nostredame was one of at least nine children of Reynière (or Renée) de Saint-Rémy and grain dealer and notary Jaume (or Jacques) de Nostredame. The latter's family had originally been Jewish, but Jaume's father, Guy Gassonet, had converted to Catholicism around 1455, taking the Christian name "Pierre" and the surname "Nostredame" (meaning Our Lady, the saint's day on which his conversion was solemnised). Michel's known siblings included Delphine, Jean I (c. 1507–77), Pierre, Hector, Louis, Bertrand, Jean II (born 1522) and Antoine (born 1523). Little else is known about his childhood, although there is a persistent tradition that he was educated by his maternal great-grandfather Jean de St. Rémy — a tradition which is somewhat undermined by the fact that the latter disappears from the historical record after 1504, when the child was only one year old.
Kalki (Kalki in Devanagari: कल्कि; which means 'Eternity,' 'White Horse', or 'Destroyer of Filth') avatar Vishnu and Messiah (Imam Mahdi)
Maitreya (pronounced my-TRAY-uh) is the personal name of the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Who is known to esotericists as the World Teacher. Esotericists believe that He is the One expected by the world’s major religions as the Christ, the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, and Maitreya Buddha (Khidr avatar Lord of Vishnu). Principal spokesman Benjamin Creme and affiliated groups believe that the World Teacher ever returned to the everyday world in July 1977 and lives as an apparently ordinary man in the Asian community of London. From there He emerges.
A figure called the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya, chief among the Masters of Wisdom, themselves a handful of “perfected men” who serve as guardians of a divine plan for Earth.
The return of the Masters, the return of the Maitreya, and the return of the Messiah, in which ever format, will then be welcomed by the Light workers who have been preparing the planet for the process.
Extracted from: Share International magazine on the Internet and Copyright 1996 The New York Times Company
Collins Pocket Dictionary – redeem
1. buy back
2. pay off (a loan or debt)
3 free from sin
4. reinstate (oneself) in someone’s good opinion
5. make up for
Actually the action of Redemption would seem to have greater significance should those wanting to be redeemed, actually do something towards “buying back, paying off, freeing from sin, reinstating themselves in someone’s good opinion and make up for” all the ill advised actions they have made. This would give the Redeemer a good idea that there was some repentance, or desire to change or a greater awakening of consciousness. Surely a much better way to greet a returning Messiah.
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